Employee Tracker
WebconSepts.com now offers the all new EMPLOYEE TRACKER. Take the hassle out of keeping track of time off with this simple effective system:
- Ease of Entry
- Anniversary Date built into the Employee Drop Down Menu
- Track Vacations
- Track Training and Out of Town School Classroom Training
- Track Funerals
- Track Sick Leave
- Track Personal Family Time off
- Eliminate Confusion of each Associates remaining time off
- Use to Promote because of Training taken
- Use to Gain Control of Chronic Lateness
- Use to Gain Control of Chronic Leaving Earliness
- Use to Promote Based on Tracking History
- Use to Correct Non Conformance
It’s Simple!! Schedule an employee’s time off in just 5 easy steps:
1. Select The employee from a Drop Down Menu (Preloaded by WebconSepts.com)
2. Select the date from the Calendar
3. Select the Time used from a Drop Down Menu
4. Select a Status from a Drop Down (Vacation, Sick, Personal, Funeral, School)
5. Fill in the Description (Note used to jog the memory of the Employer or Employee) i.e.: Family Reunion, Back Surgery, Flu, Bad Cold, Family Vacation Black Hills…
It’s that easy! Call today and get your employee tracking system on Track today!!!